Destiny 2 Info

Basic info

Destiny 2 is an Video Game that is like an RPG (RPG practically stands for a game of chance and different items that can be used with different stats for example, Skyrim, and Fallout franchises) and play with friends to compete with different styles to be played.

Cover Art

The Complex Story

What is the basic story of Destiny 2? Well the story of Destiny 2 is complicated so let's do a summary. At the beginning there was an anomaly found on the moon people went to study and built a base around it called Anomaly as time went on like a few months everyone who was in the falcity went insane for no apparent reason like as one witness stated a voice entered there head and said to kill their coworkers the weirdest part about this is that the witness was in a sealed room and was trying to escape because of the voice they escaped, a few months later a Company named Clovis Bray researcher of AI and transporting human minds into robots called Exos. Let's fast forward a few years. Another anomaly was found on Mars but was different this time it was an orb in the sky that brought life to mars the rain, then the Golden Age happened massive achievements were made like planetary transport and people now living to 300 years. Then near the end of the golden age coloznation of planets but little did we know the orb which we call the travel was moved to Earth and its Enemy was right around the corner the thing we call Darkness came and we stood no chance most of humanity wiped from the face of existence literally. Most of the information was lost by this point for a few years besides one thing where the Traveler landed on Earth. People started to rebuild a last haven called the last city somewhere in South America with a new threat called the Fallen, four armed aliens that live in ships( space kind ). There was one last chance to save the Traveler, The Traveler made these things called ghosts, they revive the chosen dead and once alive they fight for the traveler now called the Light with a thing called Paracausal powers unable to be replicated by non- paracausal entities. But there's new threats. That was to much info lets go to Were "you" were born. First of all you are dead and the chosen one when coming back to life like you could not do anything like who has been revived before you, you are now a Guardian protector of the light. If you want to know more info go to "My Name is Byf'' on Youtube.( ) Disclaimer some of this might not be true because I based this off of almost a year of memory that's how long I heard about the lore of Destiny

Side note! Before You Go To Game Modes! There's classes where you can make Hunter, Warlock, Titan. Hunter is practically a stealth boy with throwing knives. It's your pushing class that gets the least nerfs. Warlock your Wizard and all knowing it's your all around class gets the most nerfs. Titan its your head but all fists class it your defense and close range destruction class.