Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright Birth

Frank Lloyd Wright

Fank Lloyd Wright was born on June 8, 1867 he later died on April 9, 1959. Wright's parents divorced in 1885, making already challenging financial circumstances even more challenging. To help support the family, 18-year-old Frank Lloyd Wright worked for the dean of the University of Wisconsin's department of engineering while also studying at the university. But, he knew he wanted to be an architect. In 1887, he left Madison for Chicago, where he found work with two different firms before being hired by the prestigious partnership of Adler and Sullivan, working directly under Louis Sullivan for six years.

Known For

Frank Lloyd Wright's Waffle House

Frank Lloyd Wright was a great originator and a highly productive architect. He designed some 800 buildings, of which 380 were actually built. UNESCO designated eight of them including Fallingwater, the Guggenheim Museum, and Unity Temple as World Heritage sites in 2019.


Falling Water Interior

The photoset offers a rare glimpse inside Fallingwater, revealing large expanses of glazing and steps down to the water. All of the interiors are shown in natural light, as the architect originally intended, which provided a limited window for photography. Photograph by Andrew Pielage, courtesy of Western Pennsylvania Conservancy


Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Trust
  • "I believe in God, only I spell it Nature."
  • "An idea is salvation by imagination"
  • "A doctor can bury his mistakes, but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines."
  • "Working with natural light is time sensitive and that magical 'golden hour is never really an hour, sometimes it's only a few minutes,"
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