Vinncent Van Gough's art

Self portrait

Photos of him are extremly rare and are hard to find.His self portraits is an easyer way to get an image of him.

Stary Night

The Starry Night (1889)

Van Gogh voluntarily checked himself into the mental asylum at Saint-Rémy-de-Provence in 1889, a few months after the infamous episode in which he mutilated his left ear. This painting was based on the view from his window at the asylum.Some art critics theorize that the painting was created in an agitated state, reflected in the almost hallucinatory nature of the work and potentially backed up by the fact that Van Gogh experienced a second breakdown only a month after The Starry Night was completed.


After checking himself into an asylum due to his deteriorating mental health, Van Gogh almost immediately began to work on this painting. He referred to the act of painting as “the lightning conductor for my illness”, and threw himself into his work by creating depictions of the Saint Paul-de-Mausole asylum’s flower garden. While the artist himself considered it to be simply a study, his brother Theo realised that Vincent had created something special and submitted it to the Société des Artistes Indépendants, where it was exhibited alongside Starry Night Over the Rhône.

Bandged ear

How he lost his ear.

After the altercation with Gauguin, in the evening of 23 December 1888 Van Gogh returned to his room, where he was assaulted by voices and severed his left ear with a razor, causing severe bleeding.

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