These are the Characters:

Mario's offensive talents make him a natural choice to lead the charge in battle. He is a mid-to-close range fighter with excellent mobility.

Though not the smartest of the bunch, Yoshi is eager to help the Rabbids and the Mario team take down the evil around the Rabbid Mushroom Kingdom.

Even though the scared brother of Mario, Luigi takes trying to save the Mushroom Kingdom from Bowser, and all evil seriously.

Rabbid Mario
After getting combined with a Rabbid and a Mario action figure, this fool gets himself stuck on an frozen pole then turned into a Rabbid Mario ice-cube. Later to become a more helpful role in the battlefield.

Rabbid Luigi
After getting combined with a Rabbid and a Luigi action figure, he (for some reason supports a green robe) becomes the most dumbest characters while supporting his magic skills.

Though she is always getting kidnapped, she isn't defenceless. she now can protect the team from damage, use her Boom-Blaster, and show that SHE'S the real boss around

Rabbid Peach
As a mix of Rabbid and a Peach action figure, this team healer not only wants to be known by everyone on TikTok, but known by her friends as a hero, and her foes a menace

Rabbid Yoshi
As a mix of Rabbid and a Yoshi action figure, this crazy teammate doesn't matter who or what his foe is, he will use his "rubber-duck throw" to take you down and out for the count.