
This is view of a engine from Apollo 11. As you can see this looks like it is underwater. This engine was found from Jeff Bezos mission.


This is a footprint on the moon. This foot print is from the apollo mission. This is Neil Armstrongs first human footprint on the Moon. Amrstrong used his left foot to make his firt step.

Commander Module

This is a picture of a commander module opened on the bottom.This piece of equipment was the only piece of spacecraft to return to Earth. The module has been designated a "Milestone of Flight" by the Museum.

Armstrong Suit

This is a overview of Neil Armstrongs Astronaunt Suit. Armstrongs suit is at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washingtn DC. This suit has not been displayed in 13 years until the museum decided to launch a Kickstarter campaign in July 2015.