This is Lemonade

Thank you! Thank you for being a fan of the amazing drink called, lemonade. Lemonade was first made by Joe Nickell in 1857 andpeople have been enjoying it around the world ever since. Thank you for being a faihful fan of lemonae like I am. I am Skidney the owner and creator of this page, and I absolutely love lemonade. Most all people love lemonade espically famous people in Hollywood, espically none other than the Carter family. The Carter family is one of the most influential families in Hollywood made up of : Beyonce, JAY-Z, Blue Ivy, Rumi, and Sir. They love lemonade so uch that Beyonce titled her sixth studio album nothing other tham "Lemonade". Lemonade is very influential in California there are many resturants throughout the state, that are like sandwhich shops. You can learn more about the Lemonade resturants on the Resturants page. We encourage you to go out and find something you love, like I love lemonade. Here is our website instagram page to keep up with our lemonade shenanigans 24/7.

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