Joshua tree hosts 57 species of mammals,46 species of reptiles, 250 bird species, two species of amphibians, and thousands of arthropods. Some of the most common species include white-tailed antelopes,lizards, snakes, ravens, red tailed hawks, tree frogs, spiders, and so much more.With over 1,200 square miles of land Joshua Tree encompasses a variety of habitats: oases, sand dunes, valleys, and mountains. This allows the numerous species of wildlife to thrive there.
Joshua Tree hosts 16 species of bats.
A large number of coyotes make their home in the park.
Anthropods in the park range from the 0.1 inch Honeypot Ant to the four inch tarantula.
Above is a black-throated sparrow.
Here is a recently metamorphosed baby California tree frog
Above is a gecko.