Building of the Lunar Lander

Basic Info

Above is one of the U.S. lunar landers that have landed on the moon. The Lunar lander was something unimaginable to think come true. However it was possible and came to fruition in the end. Which was all thanks to Grumman Aerospace and Margaret Hamilton. Without these people there would have never been a successful safe moon landing. Man probably wouldn’t have walked on the Moon if not for them. Which is why they are just so important to the success of man landing on the moon.


About The Blueprint

The image above is a blueprint on a lunar lander. A lot of caculating and science went into the making of the lunar lander. The biggest struggle was wondering if it could land perfectely or would it crash due to the Moons gravity.

More Info

The image above is of an autronaut working on a lunar lander. He is on the moon making sure everything is working alright and won't go bad for their return.

This is an image of one a lunar lander being made. It is in a lab getting tested. Making sure that everything is safe and going as planned.

This is all of the apollos and their lunar lander names.

Mission LM-Name CSM-Name
Apollo 9 Spider Gumdrop
Apollo 10 Snoopy Charlie-Brown
Apollo 11 Eagle Columbia
Apollo 12 Intrepid Yankee-Clipper
Apollo 13 Aquarius Odyssey
Apollo 14 Antares Kitty-Hawk
Apollo 15 Falcon Endeavour
Apollo 16 Orion Casper
Apollo 17 Challenger America

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