Flight 35

Flight 35

The picture above is a picture taken by the Mastam-Z instument of the Perserverance Rover. This flight was a very valuable one because this flight was the first one to ever reach an altitude of 14 m( 46 feet). This is the highest it has ever reached because the air on mars is so thin that it's hard to fly in and the average that ingenuity has ever reached has been around 10 m.

Flight 12

Flight 12

The animation above is really important because this flight was able to have the longest duration of 169.5, also taking the most pictures. The helicopter took 197 pictures during it's flight.

Flight 30

Flight 30

This flight went into action after 2 months whenever the dust storm started to swarm the Helicopter. Flight 29 happened on June 11th and Flight 30 happened on August 20, it took 2 months before Ingenuity was able to fly again.

Flight 25

Flight 25

This is the most valuable Flight Ingeuity has ever recorded. The helicopter reached a new level of speed and the longest distance ever in this flight. The helicopter reached a distance of 708.91 m (2,325.8 ft) and reached a speed of 5.50 m/s (12.3 mph).